Support in Overcoming Anxiety

  • A common issue faced by students is experiencing feelings of anxiety. In essence, occasional feelings of anxiety or nervousness are normal. If anxiety can be managed, and beneficial thought patterns can be developed, it can help students focus on positive thoughts and actions.
  • However, anxiety can become a problem when it causes disruptions or difficulties in academic activities and daily life. Anxiety may become problematic if it is:
    1. Excessive
    2. Disruptive
    3. Uncontrollable
    4. Significantly affecting daily life
  • Poorly managed anxiety can lead to:
    1. Excessive worrying about things
    2. Engaging in excessive ‘what-if’ questioning
    3. Constantly predicting negative outcomes

Strategies to overcome anxiety:

  • SELF DEVELOPMENT: When worrisome thoughts begin to pile up, this strategy can help you target negative beliefs and develop helpful thought patterns.
    1. Delay worries: Postpone worries to a future time and focus on what you are doing. This can help you stop or forget negative thoughts.
    2. Analyze your worries: Take a step back and evaluate the problem. How important is it actually? How likely is it to happen? Will worrying help you solve it? Think about how you can redirect your energy to do something productive.
    3. Control your thoughts: Actively choose to build positive and productive thoughts while simultaneously rejecting negative thoughts from arising.
    4. Focus on solutions: Reframe problems as challenges yet to be solved, develop action plans, and direct your efforts towards finding solutions.
    5. Value yourself: Focus on developing greater self-confidence and self-esteem. Do not evaluate your self-worth based on external measures such as judgments or opinions from others.
  • Attend webinars/seminars on relevant topics (organized by PIK-M Aushaf and/or UII’s Department of Student Affairs).
  • Participate in training sessions on relevant topics (organized by UII’s Department of Student Affairs).